DWORD WINAPI btldw ( DWORD big );
This function converts "big-endian" DWORD
values to their "little-endian" representation. It is similar to the htonl function of the Windows™ API.
Returns the converted value.
In Intel™ and compatible processors, a value like 0x12345678 is represented in memory as 0x78563412. In MIDI files, they are in the correct order, or "big-endian" style, but when loaded into memory, their byte order becomes inverted to work in the "little-endian" platform. See BRELS_MIDI_HEADER and BRELS_TRACK_HEADER for examples of this behavior.
Released in November 19th, 2003
Updated in April 29th, 2004
Property of Breno de Lima Sarmento
Home page: http://www27.brinkster.com/brels
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