The personal website of Breno de Lima Sarmento

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ɪts ˈvɛri ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlt tʊ kip ðə laɪn bɪˈtwin ðə pæst ən ðə ˈprɛzənt. yʊ noʊ ʰwət aɪ min? ɪts ˈɔfəli ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlt.
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Old-school styled MIDI editor. Edit MIDI files very fast.

Utility to make natal charts (horoscopes), transit and synastry.

Utility to balance processor's logical cores overload in Windows XP.

In Portuguese! How brazilian hotels are assigned stars (source: ABIH).

In Portuguese! Applies to brazilian citizens making an import.

Restoring a 10GB dump of a 23GB database takes a few hours (no SSD).

I'll collect here some of my bookmarklets other people may find useful

It collects a list of recipes and outputs a list of needed materials/crafts

A customizable timetable of open timed NPCs for FFXIV Triple Triad

Macros to swap between performance and battle mode BRD while we wait for improvements.

Finds the best fit for missions and aids on simulations

A pasteable javascript to archive thousand of messages in

A wrapper to force Excel to open files in separate instances.

An AutoHotkey script to make the mouse move in games lacking keyboard camera control

Documenting non-gibberish things that are not in Google

Utilidades de Loterias

A quick recipe